
Head Mounted Digital Display LPI -01
LPI-01 display is an integral element of temperature sensor, available also as a separate component. It enables local indication of temperature measured directly in connection head. It has 3 configuration keys at the front panel. head type DANAWwinlocal display LED 4 digits
dimension display 30x14 mm
programmable: min/max, decimal, point, zero, span
wielkości ustawiane: zero, zakres, punkt dziesiętny

Head Mounted Digital Display LPI -02
LPI-02 display is an integral element of temperature sensor, available also as a separate component. It enables local indication of temperature measured directly in connection head. It has 3 configuration keys at the front panel. head type XD-ADwinlocal display LED 4 digits
dimension display 30x14 mm
programmable: min/max, decimal, point, zero, span
wielkości ustawiane: zero, zakres, punkt dziesiętny