
TTSC-42, TTRC-42, TTBC-42
Temperature sensor suitable for measurement of aggressive media, especially in petrochemical and glass industry. TC type: R, S, Bholding tube: steel 1.4541
connection head BA
monocrystal protection tube
temperature transmitter

TTJC-38, TTKC-38
Temperature sensor suitable for measurement of aggressive liquid and gaseous media, especially in petrochemical and chemical industry (acids, ammonia). TC type: J or Ksheath material: ceramics SILIT SK
thermowell diameter Ø25 mm
local LED display mounted into connection head

Temperature sensor suitable for measurement of aggressive liquid and gaseous media, especially in chemical industry, galvanizing plants, etc. TOPCV-1 with connection headTOPCVE-1 with lead wire - PCV insulation
max. 100°C
metal thermowell covered with polyvinite
sensing element Pt100

Temperature sensor suitable for measurement of aggressive liquids and gases. Sensor sheath made of heat resistant glass is suitable for long-term operating in conditions of vapour, acids, alkalis and salts. TOPSZ-157 with plastic connection headTOPSZE-157 with lead wire - teflon insulation
max. 500°C (using connection head)
sheath material: borosilicate glass
TOPSZE-157 with lead wire

Made of Teflon, temperature sensor with handgrip suitable for ad hoc control of aggressive media temperature (e.g. battery acid). It is equipped with miniature plug that enables quick and easy connection with portable temperature meters... max. temperature +250°CRTD type: Pt100
handle material - teflon
lead wire - double teflon insulated