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Temperature sensors
Electric heaters
Measuring device, equipment
Thermostat N321/N321R
Catalog card
Wireless transmission RS485 AirGate-Modbus
Catalogue card
Multimeter DT-9929/9939
Catalogue card
Electronic indicator LIM N1540
Catalogue card
Humidity and temperature transmitter RHT Climate WM/DM
Catalog card
Software SigNow
Software NXperience
i-160 and i-384 series Thermal Camera
Catalog card
Thermostat N323/N323R/N323RHT
Catalogue card
Multimeter DT-61
Catalogue card
Indicator N1500
Catalogue card
Stationary pyrometer Pyro NFC
Catalogue card
Multi channel data logger LogBox BLE
Catalog card
D-160 PRO Thermal Camera
Catalog card
Humidity and temperature transmitter EE10
Catalogue card
Videographic recorder Field Logger USB
Catalogue card
Multimeter DT-9931
Catalogue card
Thermostat LIM TMS
Catalogue card
Indicator N1500G
Catalogue card
D300/D300X Thermal Camera
Catalog card
Transmitter LIM-TR401
Catalog card
Clamp meter DT-356
Catalogue card
Videographic recorder LIM-99
Catalogue card
Indicator type LIM N1040i
Catalog card
Humidity and temperature transmitter EE160
Catalogue card
Receiver LIM-RE410
Catalog card
Clamp meter DT-362
Catalogue card
Videographic recorder LIM-141
Catalog card
Loop indicator LoopView
Catalog card
Stationary pyrometer PyroEpsilon
Catalogue card
Multimeter DT-925
Catalogue card
Time Controller NT240
Catalog card
Humidity and temperature transmitter EE23
Catalogue card
Stationary pyrometer PyroUSB
Catalogue card
Temperature and humidity data logger DT-172
Catalogue card
Multimeter DT-5300B
Catalogue card
Digital Counter LIM NC400
Catalog card
Industrial humidity and temperature transmitter EE31
Catalogue card
Temperature recorder LOGBOX AA
Catalogue card
Temperature Controller LIM N1020
Catalog card
Temperature and humidity recorder LOGBOX RHT, RHT/LCD
Catalogue card
Controller LIM N1030
Catalog card
Controller LIM N1040
Catalogue card
Temperature data logger type TAGTEMP
Catalogue card
Temperature recorder SMART BUTTON
Catalogue card
Controller LIM N1040T
Catalog card
Stationary pyrometer PyroUSB 2.2
Catalogue card
Temperature and humidity recorder LOG 32 USB
Catalogue card
Controller LIM N1050
Controller LIM N480D
Catalog card
Temperature recorder MICROLITE 32K USB
Catalogue card
Stationary pyrometer with display PyroMini
Catalogue card
DT-3610B Portable temperature meter
Controller LIM N1200
Catalog card
Temperature and humidity data logger DT-171T
Catalogue card
Temperature and humidity data logger DT-171
Catalogue card
Temperature recorder PROVA 800
Catalogue card
Aluminium case ZO-1214
Catalog card
Stationary pyrometer PyroBus
Catalogue card
Multifunction Installation Tester DT-6650
Catalouge card
Controller LIM N2000
Catalog card
Catalogue card
Catalogue card
Controller LIM N2000S
Catalog card
Electrical parameters transmitter DigiRail-VA
Catalogue card
Portable pyrometer DT-8861
Catalogue card
Controller LIM N960
Catalog card
Analog-to-digital transmitter DigiRail-2A
Catalogue card
Software Superview
Catalogue card
Controller LIM N3000
Catalog card
Portable pyrometer DT-8869
Catalogue card
Controller LIM 8100, 9100
Catalog card
Controller LIM 9300
Catalogue card
Portable temperature meter TES-1304
Catalouge card
Controller LIM 902, 404
Catalogue card
Portable temperature meter TES-1307
Catalouge card
Controller SR91
Catalogue card
Portable temperaure meters TES-1311, TES-1312
Catalouge card
Conroller SR92
Catalogue card
Portble temperature meter TES-1314
Catalouge card
Controller SR93
Catalogue card
Portable temperautre meters TES-1315, TES-1316
Catalouge card
Controller SR94
Catalouge card
Portable temperature meters TES-1317, TES-1317R
Catalouge card
Portable temperature meter TES-1319
Catalouge card
PTR-24 measuring probes for portable meters
Catalouge card
Measuring probes for portable meters PTR-1, PTR-2, PTR-3
Catalouge card
Thermocouple Calibrator / Simulator DC80T
Catalogue card
RTD Calibrator / Indicator DC80R
Catalogue card
Voltage and current calibrator DC80L
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace PYROS-375
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace PYROS-650
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace P-300
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace QUARTZ-35
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace SOLAR
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace BB 500
Catalogue card
Calibration bath FLUID 100/200
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace PULSAR-35Cu
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace PULSAR-80Cu
Catalogue card
Industrial bimetallic thermometer TB
Catalogue card
Industrial bimetallic thermometer TBiSChg
Catalogue card
Industrial bimetallic thermometer TBiGeICh
Catalogue card
Industrial bimetallic thermometer TBiSCh
Catalogue card
Gas thermometer TGelCh, TSCh
Catalogue card
Gas thermometer TFCh
Catalogue card
Standard Bourdon tube manometers MB-P-Cu, MB-SW-Cu
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitters 1200/1600
Catalogue card
Industrial Bourdon tube manometer MB-SN-Cu-0, MB-SNg-Cu-0
Catalogue card
Shockproof Bourdon tube manometer MB-SN-Cu-G, MB-SNg-Cu-G
Catalogue card
Industrial stainless steel Bourdon tube manometer MB-SN-SNg-SN-0, MB-SN-SNg-SN-G
Catalogue card
Industrial Bourdon tube (safe) manometer MB-SNB-SN-Cu-0, MB-SNB-SN-Cu-G
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitter 2200/2600
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitter 22IC/26IC
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitter 3100
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitter 3200
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitter 3500
Catalogue card
Pressure transmitter 5000
Catalogue card
Calibration furnace BX 150
Catalogue card
Membrane manometers MM-SN-SN/...-0, MM-SN-SN/...-G
Catalog card
LIM-BAROLI digital manometer
Electronic pressure switch LIM-202
Level probe LIM18.605G
Catalog card
Float level probe SP-1
Catalog card
Level probe LIM-5000
Catalog card
Level probe LMK 809
Catalog card
Level probe LIM-307
Catalog card